Monday, September 2, 2013

Deodorize your mattress

I have come to find out that some of the best cleaning products out there are most likely something you already have at home, vinegar and baking soda! The vinegar deodorizes and sanitizes, the baking soda also deodorizes but is an abrasive that really gets things clean.

My son is a bed wetter unfortunately, we do use the overnight diapers but occasionally run out. When he does wet the bed it stinks and can stink up his bed room as well. Another great pin I have come across is how to get the stink out, What you do is put white vinegar into a spray bottle and spray the mattress until wet then sprinkle the baking soda over it and let it fizz. Allow the baking soda and vinegar sit till it all dries, it will strongly smell of vinegar but don't worry it fades quickly. After its all dried get your vacuum and vacuum the mattress, it's that simple!

It has worked for me every time I've done it, like I said my son is a bed wetter so I use this method often. It is great too because there is no harsh chemicals that can affect my son.

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